....the final countdown...
pets that have left prints {paw prints, perhaps} in my life
- Jingle - some kind of hound, beagle, bassett?
- Simba - a kitten that lived at Amy's
- Inky Ed - also a kitten that lived at Amy's and was not as sweet as Simba
- Buddy - a bug-eyed fish
- Turd Ferguson - Buddy's tank mate who died by filter
- Blaine - Beta Fish eaten by Blaine
- Blaine - frog that ate Blaine
- Blaine - frog that made mating calls to my visiting teacher
- Ruthy Pig-Faced Draper - Maltese/Shitzu, we lasted 14 hours together
- Walter - Coton, in the witness protection program, renamed Peanut
- Darla - heeler-lab, naughty run away
- Thor - heeler-lab, a wussy brother of Darla's
- Toby - a kitty consolation prize from Jake
- Tank - a fat kitty we gave to a friend
- Daisy - an anniversary/mother's day gift
- Spike - a dirty fuzzy who just couldn't be domesticated
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