Sunday, September 22, 2013

30 to 30

....the final countdown...

a short compilation of things I have done with my first 30 years

  1. I was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
  2. I earned my Young Womanhood Recognition Award.
  3. I took an adventure to New Jersey where I learned different things than I had set out to learn.
  4. I earned my college degree in 3.5 years.
  5. I bought my own home, twice.
  6. I received my temple endowment.
  7. I married Jake.
  8. I became a mom to Abbi and Noah.
  9. Jake and I were sealed in the Brigham City Temple.
  10. I saved for retirement {I'm not done, but I did my best so far}.
  11. I visited Ground Zero a few times.
  12. I was stung on both legs by a jellyfish in the Pacific Ocean.
  13. I worked with over 200 associates at Deseret Industries. {I'm in the video on the home page :) }