I have a few cousins who periodically inquire after what's happening at my D.I. I have been a little hesitant to saying anything on the world wide web but let's get our feet wet with this one....
Don't get to excited. I just want to shed a little light on an ordinary D.I. morning.
6:30 a.m. - wake up, wish I was unemployed, shower, dry my hair, put makeup in my bag with the intention of using it soon
7:45 a.m. - turn off the alarm in the store, wish I was unemployed, ignore the ringing phone, head out onto the dark sales floor
7:50 a.m. - borrow Shirlee's stool to climb up and unlock the back door for the associates, they bust through before I can climb down, I nearly die, wish I was unemployed, return Shirlee's stool
8:00 a.m. - start answering the phone
1st call: Jim's associate - has a toothache, needs to make a dentist appointment, I said no dentist is open take an Advil and come in, he says it hurts, I say come to work
My associate comes in the office: doesn't feel well, wants to leave, I say everyone wants to leave....you stay....I'll check on you later
Alan's associate comes in the office: her son (Trina's associate) had a seizure that morning and can't call yet, I give her no trouble, I don't want to mess with that
Check the voice mail: Alan's associate isn't feeling good, has a headache, not able to come to work, he's lucky I didn't answer that call
Next call: Jim's associate - coming but late, I say hurry
8:05 a.m. - wish I was unemployed
Never got my makeup on, the parade of associates who "need to leave" doesn't end, my Christmas wish comes true as one cashier leaves for good (congratulations on your new job), one person tries to get me to work less because he/she works less, I find 2 counterfeit $100 bills in the cash count, another $100 is missing as well, go through all the change in $5's twice over, try to keep anger inside of me, wish I was unemployed.
This story may give you the impression that I wish I was unemployed. Please let me clarify: I love my job. The way it frustrates me is an adventure every day. I have total control over my attitude even when I can't control the actions of others. My boss is great. He lets me do lots of things and say things I shouldn't. Best of all, I have associates who work so hard to make positive changes in their lives and I rejoice in their successes.
I heart D.I. Who knew?
Monday, December 28, 2009
Deseret Industries - the day after Christmas
Posted by Anonymous at Monday, December 28, 2009 3 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas activities...a very important update
This is my special niece Elizabeth Rose. I apologize for any blood relative infant confusion due to the Gus post. He is a very special friend, not relative.
Elizabeth Rose was born on December 1st. She's beautiful! Betty likes to sprawl out, not be bundled; she likes to be called whatever you choose; she prefers being held; and she has pretty little fingers. I love her!
Please note that I'm just testing the "Betty" thing. I'll try something else later. So far, I prefer Baby Rose or Elizabeth.
Posted by Anonymous at Saturday, December 26, 2009 4 comments
Christmas activities...a special visit
Posted by Anonymous at Saturday, December 26, 2009 1 comments
Christmas activities...my favorite installment
Christmas was fabulous this year! I made a few gifts by hand, I baked, I went to a fun-filled family party, I drank delicious hot cocoa at the annual tea party, I shopped with Dad on Christmas Eve, we had an excellent story by Jimmy + Friends, and I dressed Wendy and Anne's dog in a Santa suit. I did other stuff too but let's get back to the dog. I'm not sure how he knew it but as soon as I pulled out the suit he started growling at walking backwards. This memory makes me happy.
He had to go to naughty dog time out when he naughty dogged on my carpet.
He loved opening his presents.
This is a video of the aforementioned dog hanging out and chewing my slipper while it was on my foot.
And after 13.57 hours of wearing the Santa suit, I took it off of him and he tried to kill it. Several times. Over and over. This memory also makes me happy.
Happy Christmas!
Posted by Anonymous at Saturday, December 26, 2009 2 comments
G...brought to you by KWC
I have a very new and very special friend. His name is Gus.
Katherine's been baking him for some time now. She was very patient but in her words, he had to be "evicted." I'm very glad he was so that I could finally meet him. Gus is a very talented infant. For example, he eats a bottle so efficiently it holds itself up; he makes and holds the most precious Zoolander face; and the word on the street is that he sleep like a champ. I like all of these things about him. Plus, how cute he is and I'm amused by his size as well.
Thanks for my new friend Katherine and Matt! I like him a lot!
Posted by Anonymous at Saturday, December 26, 2009 2 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas activities...the second edition
My roommates and I celebrated Christmas tonight. Tomorrow Tammy will fly home to AZ, Collette will stay with her family for the holiday and my sisters will be staying with me.
To celebrate, we made dinner and ate it (right in our own home) at the table with real plates and stuff! It was excellent! Collette made delicious chicken alfredo and Tammy made wonderful raspberry cheesecake! Mmmmmm... We exchanged gifts, played marbles and watched Elf. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." Actually, there was no singing but it was still a very good night!
Posted by Anonymous at Sunday, December 20, 2009 2 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas activities...the first installment
I, the auntie, wanted to babysit the children at my house while Jimmy and Amber went out to celebrate his birthday. I decided to make dinner for us. I think it went well...
Jack ate his all his dinner plus half of mine, James ate absolutely nothing, Marlie negotiated a number of bites she had to take. I said 3, she said she's 6 years old so she should have 6. I agreed. She soon realized her error. Marlie's first picture had her eyes kinda closed so I told her to try again. Good work, Mar! We all enjoyed a brownie.
Blaine, the frog, was quite popular with the children. Unfortunately, he was dying while they were here but I just told them he was tired and likes to sleep on his back hanging over a jagged rock. Jack told him "night, night" about 16 times.
There were a few battle fights with a few near misses....no injuries though. The long hall is good for racing like Mario Cart. Unfortunately, the rug in front of the kitchen sink is a nuisance on a tight running turn. My Christmas tree is still intact. The door stoppers on the baseboards are not.
I had a pretty great time! Hopefully, there will be lots more holiday cheer to write about soon!
Posted by Anonymous at Friday, December 18, 2009 3 comments
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Christmas Tree: I am Special
I'm sure no one who has ever read my blog before expects me to be able to explain myself. It's nearly impossible to even try. Today I will attempt to explain the feelings I feel when I think about my Christmas tree. That's right....feelings.
I put the tree up on November 27th. I don't care who you are, Christmas begins the minute the dishes from Thanksgiving dinner are done. The tree has a bit of a whimsical theme. Last year I saw a decorating demonstration from the Jimmy's Floral lady. I fell in love right away with the colorful decor. Within a week I had persuaded both my mom and my dad to take me to Jimmy's Floral "just to look." Yes...two separate trips, both yielding several bags. My bad :)
Are you thinking, "Get to the point, Joey?" Okay.
It's not the whimsical part of the tree that makes me feel feelings. I love it, a lot but it's all of non-whimsical ornaments that make me feel special. These special ornaments are a collection from my entire life. Each one was a gift and most of them have a special memory too.
This little guy is from 1985. My mom made him for me.
Mickey Mouse Tiny Tim is from a trip my dad (or both parents) took in 1989.
This one is an ornament of my grandmother's. I am her name sake.
These angel are the 3 sisters...me, Wendy, and Anne. I think my parents like us.
When I was in elementary school my dad taught me to study the scriptures every day. I got this ornament the year he and I finished the Book of Mormon.
Sister Lewis is the reason I have any musical talent. Even if my attention wandered, she wouldn't allow me to not do well. I couldn't believe some of the music she expected me to play - it was way beyond my level. But when the day for the performance came I was ready. She wouldn't have had it any other way.
My Aunt LaRena has a special talent for needle work. She goes to a lot of work to make our family Christmas party special. She made a cute picture album that holds a very special memory of our last Christmas with Grandpa.
These aren't ornaments but the were wrapped and under the tree the year after my Aunt Maureen passed away. She picked them out just for me, had them stashed away, wrapped and waiting for Christmas. They are very special to me. I'm pretty sure she liked me.
And saving the best for last...
Every year my mom has a special tea party for the girls in our family. I don't remember exactly when it started....at least 15 years ago. During the tea party she reads a secret Christmas story we've never heard before. She finds us each an ornament that goes with the story too. I wish I could put all of them on here but there are so many. I'll put two.
This one is The Gift of the Magi.
And this one is Santa Duck.
Like I said from the beginning....My Christmas tree makes me feel very special, even loved.
Posted by Anonymous at Sunday, December 06, 2009 4 comments
Thursday, December 03, 2009
the washing machine vs. the dishwasher
Last week I sat in front of the washing machine and watched it run almost an entire cycle. My mind just couldn't comprehend how it operates. I only stopped watching because the spin cycle was making me a little dizzy.
The thoughts that spun threw my brain (just like my dark knits in the drum of the machine) were as follows:
A. How the heck does this thing know what to do?
2. How does that one dial know how to be delicate? How does it know the difference?
C. Why does it swish one way and then swish another way and then spin and then swish and then spin? I couldn't detect any sort of pattern.
D. Does the machine actually work or are we all just coerced into believing "the machine knows best"?
On to the dishwasher....
I currently own my first full-size dishwasher. It's quiet, it's beautiful, and it's big. It seems to work wonders, except when it doesn't. I don't understand the white film that now exists on my spatula and strainer. I've scrubbed them by hand only to find the film returns when they dry.
I love my dishwasher...actually, I may be in love with the dishwasher. I guess in any relationship we all have weaknessess. I probably frustrate the dishwasher too.
Posted by Anonymous at Thursday, December 03, 2009 4 comments
Sunday, November 29, 2009
upcoming Paperless discussions
1. Jeremy
2. Singing at church
C. Facebook etiquette
4. The washing machine vs. the dishwasher
5. Christmas Tree: I am special
6. "Swear, Grandma"
7. an unannounced topic
I have lots of ideas swimming around in my head just waiting for their day on the blog. I just don't have it in me to do it today. If there's one in particular you are interested in, leave me a note. I'll start with it.
Posted by Anonymous at Sunday, November 29, 2009 4 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
I love Thanksgiving. It's an odd holiday for me to enjoy because I'm not a big fan of the food. But, I can't think of a Thanksgiving I didn't enjoy.
My most special Thanksgiving was 6 years ago. My very special niece had just been born and was still in the hospital. I got to spend the night there with her and Amber. And this Thanksgiving I am anxiously waiting for my newest special niece to arrive.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Marlie on her 5th birthday
Me and Marlie, Thanksgiving 2008
Posted by Anonymous at Friday, November 20, 2009 1 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
home sick
Not to be confused with being homesick, I am at home....sick.
This is pretty much the most boring thing I've ever endured, which is saying a lot because... Well, it's saying a lot.
To keep myself entertained I have watched the follwing:
1. Pride and Prejudice x 2
2. The Notebook - awful
3. Message in a Bottle - not very good acting
4. Sabrina
5. What Lies Beneath
6. Mrs. Winterbourne - Ricky Lake?
7. 2 episodes of Jon and Kate
8. Too many episodes to count of the Nanny
9. Dan in Real Life
10. the Cosby show
11. etc...
I started writing notes of what people should know upon my death. My bucket list of what includes things like petting a penguin, reading every book in my house, acquiring an art skill, and holding a monkey.
I played 105 games of Solitaire on the computer. I've won one round making my winning statistic 0%. I've played Cake Mania on nintendo DS. I'm better at that game than Solitaire, so far my sales are profitable.
My fever has stayed pretty consistant but something new today is I've lost the color in my face and my legs turned into jello. To medicate myself I've been drinking lots of water, taking ibuprofen, and last night I took 2, count them 2, tylenol pm's. After the tylenol I lasted about 3 minutes then I was asleep for 12 hours.
All in all this is fabulous. I'm at home bored out of my mind while my work piles up on my desk. I'm never behind on my work, until now. I'd like to thank, in an unblaming way, all of my co-workers who came to work with fevers, body aches, and awful colds. I couldn't be less bitter.
To end on a positive note, my mom and dad have been very helpful. They've delivered my exact requests of a thermometer, a banana, a cream soda, and chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce. They've even done it in more than one trip. Today my dad has put himself on retainer to deliver whatever else I think of.
I guess being home sick could be worse.
p.s. My new cute blog was created by Lyndsay at http://www.beautifymyblog.com/ and set-up by Anne
Posted by Anonymous at Tuesday, November 17, 2009 6 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
2009...change was in the air
1. i sold my first home and moved into number 2.
2. the halloween decor came down and the thanksgiving stuff went up.
3. i made my dad pay for my stress the other night. that's not new. and it's not new that he took it so well.
4. i left the ward i've attended for 3.5 years to be the new girl in my local family ward.
5. the development process at d.i. has changed.
6. i chopped my hair and made it dark. and i'll do it again too.
7. my blog will be getting a face lift
8. i turned 26. i've never been so old.
9. i got glasses
10. wendy and anne got a dog. hurley george garcia.
11. i got in my first accident this year. i went to court (that's not new). on my way home from court i got pulled over. i didn't go to court again.
12. netflix is a convenience worth paying for.
13. i visited wendover for the first time....it may not have been the last.
Posted by Anonymous at Friday, November 13, 2009 2 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Personal Profile System
My roommate made me take a personality test after I told her I was accused of having no feelings. Twice. This week.
Oh man, this company has my number.
impatience; "win-lose" competition
Under pressure
becomes critical and fault-finding; resists participating with a team; may overstep boundaries
others will take advantage of them; slowness, especially in task activities; being a pushover
Would increase effectiveness through
explanation of their reasoning and consideration of other views and ideas about goals and solutions to problems; genuine concern for others; patience and humility
Result-Oriented people display self-confidence, which some may interpret as arrogance. Result-Oriented people tend to avoid constraining factors, such as direct controls, time-consuming details, and routine work. Because they are forceful and direct, they may have difficulties with others. Result-Oriented people are quick thinkers, and they are impatient and critical toward those who are not. They evaluate others on their ability to get results. In their uncompromising drive for results, they may appear blunt and uncaring.
I'm sorry everyone.
Posted by Anonymous at Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'll let you in on my little secret...
I can't explain myself. I love it.
I was going to write a post about the little known facts about me but this is all I came up with. Like I said, I love it. Don't ask any questions.
Posted by Anonymous at Monday, October 26, 2009 2 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Things to do on Your Birthday
Posted by Wendy H. at Monday, October 19, 2009 4 comments
Freak unicorn accident
Have you ever been assaulted by a unicorn on your birthday?
More coming later.
Wendy H.
Posted by Wendy H. at Monday, October 19, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
the MATING chir
I've had a lot of unfortunate stories to tell regarding my pet companions. We began with Doj, Buddy, and Terd Ferguson. The latest round has been Blaine, Blaine, and Blaine. Only one of these aquatic friends has met the filter and made it out alive. I only have Blaine now to keep me company. He's had a miraculous recovery.Late, late last night Blaine began to chirp like a cricket. It was very quiet. In my extensive (in time and attention) observations, Blaine has never done this before. He was standing on his back legs against the glass looking at my visiting teacher. For the first time I began to wonder if Blaine is a Blaine or a Blanch. I noticed a stripe on his underbelly and decided to do some research.
"Females have very wide bellies and are distinctively larger than males. Males have a pale lump on their body behind their forelimbs, presumably to aid in clamping around a female's body while amplexing (mating). Females tend to be the more active of the genders so during mating, it helps for him to have a very tight grip. To instigate mating, males will sing. This sound is very quiet and can best be described as an ascending chir."
My initial reaction to this is:
My second thought was this:
Blaine needs a girl.
I now vow to halt my efforts to find my own mate until I find a girlfrog for Blaine. I wonder what he wants in a girlfrog.....
Posted by Anonymous at Saturday, September 26, 2009 1 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I just discovered
that Joey's last blog post is as old as the milk in her fridge that Collette ate for breakfast!!!
Posted by Wendy H. at Sunday, September 20, 2009 0 comments