I, the auntie, wanted to babysit the children at my house while Jimmy and Amber went out to celebrate his birthday. I decided to make dinner for us. I think it went well...
Jack ate his all his dinner plus half of mine, James ate absolutely nothing, Marlie negotiated a number of bites she had to take. I said 3, she said she's 6 years old so she should have 6. I agreed. She soon realized her error. Marlie's first picture had her eyes kinda closed so I told her to try again. Good work, Mar! We all enjoyed a brownie.
Blaine, the frog, was quite popular with the children. Unfortunately, he was dying while they were here but I just told them he was tired and likes to sleep on his back hanging over a jagged rock. Jack told him "night, night" about 16 times.
There were a few battle fights with a few near misses....no injuries though. The long hall is good for racing like Mario Cart. Unfortunately, the rug in front of the kitchen sink is a nuisance on a tight running turn. My Christmas tree is still intact. The door stoppers on the baseboards are not.
I had a pretty great time! Hopefully, there will be lots more holiday cheer to write about soon!
1 week ago
LOL What a fun Auntie you are! It sounds quite eventful :) I love your blog, seriously! It totally cracks me up. Make sure you keep posting - you provide me with much entertainment Joey :)
Love it...what a fun night for you :)
I agree with Linz's comment. You definitely sound like a fun Auntie. I'm very lucky because Lindsay is the same with my kids! I want to know if this Blaine had some help along the way or if it was indeed his time to go with natural causes! :)
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