Old Men Friends
1. On our way to La Jolla, we followed a really old, really slow Ford. Turns out the driver led us straight to the temple parking lot. The old man said good morning as he walked by. I met him again inside the temple. I figured I would never forget him because of his thick blonde toupee. Then.... two days later we were on a MTS bus and he got on! He was pretty nice. I wish I could have talked to him more but I had to get on a different trolley.
2. On an MTS bus to Balboa Park, we met a man who offered to show us how to get to organ concert. Sprekles Pavillion has the largest outdoor organ and every week the Civic Organist does a concert. It was kind of a long walk to the pavillion. He told us all about the history of the organ. My guess is that he's a regular there because as soon as we arrived he had people to see and a certain place to sit. I liked talking to him a lot. I think we're friends.
1 week ago
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