As a correspondent to Joey's paperless diary, I would like to share the highlights of my tour of the Centerville DI yesterday afternoon:
1) Joey wears a festive apron at work.
2) She is just a little small young person who works with a bunch of adults.
3) The Centerville DI does NOT smell; it is pleasantly odorless; and
4) Its merchandise is arranged in a visually appealing manner (Joey and I both appreciate the Oprah tip of color-coded clothes), AND
4.5) The floors are so clean you could eat off of them. I've heard enough stories that I probably WON'T EVER eat off of them. But they are very clean.
5) Rumor has it that people come to the DI to exercise. You read right - not "to look at secondhand exercise equipment", but "exercise".
6) The Centerville DI does NOT carry "rad funkin retro" clothes. And finally,
7) Joey and her coworkers have secretly hoarded no less than 100 Marie Calendars pie tins. I wonder whether her blog readers would find it ethical or unethical for Joey's coworkers to turn donated pie tins in for free pie. This is an entirely hypothetical scenario of course.
Back to you, Jubby!
1 week ago
Okay Joey, I owe you an apology. While I don't agree with the hypothetical hording of pie tins, the CEN Staff sometimes needs a break and reward for all the hard work they put in. And lets face it. As job coaches, you guys really can't afford the pie. So hypothetically if your customer base was donating pie tins that you can't sell, you are doing them a service by taking them in and getting a delicious sweet treat to keep yourselves happy and energized, thus serving the customers of Deseret Industries better. Wow, longest comment ever.
I never knew that used pie tins= free pie. I learn something every time I read this blog. Nice work on using the Oprah tip too....last time I was at a DI it was the Murray one and it really was a nice place to shop.
I'll tell you something about D.I. pie - we love to eat it....we fight about cleaning it up.
We try to abide by a 2-part rule:
1. he or she who retrieved it, does not have to clean it up
2. last one out of the conference room cleans.
My favorite day was when discovered part 2 of the rule. It was a crazy mad dash of 10 grown-ups climbing over the conference table and a dozen chairs to get out the door. Sooooo funny!
I found your blog and i loved it so I'm linking up!
plus....we cannot sell those pie tins because they have a monetary value. so we could either eat pie, or waste tins.
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