Monday, June 09, 2008

the Pena wedding

Two years since they met, a year and half since they started dating, nine months of engagement, and 16 hours of wedding......

The whole day was great, I couldn't have had a better time (practically), and Kayli and Jon are pretty much hilarious. I never got tired of wedding guests asking me about my marriage horizon but I did get tired of bending three thousand times to move the train a quarter inch for the photographer. My old bishop couldn't come to grips with the fact that I'm not on my way to the alter, old neighbors use the old "always a bridesmaid" thing, I learned a thing or two about how to know when to hold a guy's hand, etc.... All real helpful advice. Thanks everybody. Now that I know all this, I don't think I'll be able to dodge the alter before 2018.


Anonymous said...

there are a few more pictures of the big day on my facebook page

Matt said...

You won't have to worry about dodging the altar...It dodges you. But seriously lets shoot for around 2012. With your wit and charm you should have no problem. Just carry a dryer sheet for good luck.

Katherine said...

Why 2018?

I'm not really worried about whether or not you'll get married, just whether or not you meet your husband BEFORE the wedding ceremony... ;)

Matt said...

What the crap? Did I lose the right to have -the funniest writer at DI next to my name for making fun of you too much? And if so, why did it take you so long? Besides I deserve that tag. Katherine certainly isn't as funny as I am!

Anonymous said...

i had to remove the fact that you are the funniest writer at d.i. so that i have a fighting chance at self-esteem.

Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

So you're giving yourself ten years huh? I don't know if it will take that long for ya with your witt and smile. plus you make killer desserts. You know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Matt said...

Ms. Freakin' Wilder has a point. However the quickest way to a mans heart is through his chest.