Sunday, June 01, 2008

Counting My Blessings

Last night, I had a small pity party. No one one invited. When it began, I gave myself a time limit. I was driving home and I decided that by the time I got there, I had to be done feeling so bad for my own dumb self. I was pitiful enough that I when the light turned red I thought, "of course that would happen to me." I was trying to think of how to pull myself out of it, before I got home, because I figured I would be alone now.....Kayli has started moving out.

Five minutes into my drive, I was done with my bawl-baby crying. Even when I try to be a sorry stupid head, I can't ever make it last that long. Maybe I don't have the attention span. Luckily, when I got home, Kayli and Jon were still here. We didn't have especially exciting conversation, just catching up, but I was so glad to see them! Kayli really is where I need her, when I need her. I am going to miss them so much.

So what I've done here is......I added a few pictures of some good times I've got to have in the last several weeks.

Top - I got to have a fun night with Kayli for her bridal shower and ice cream after.

Next - Dad took me on the frontrunner train to SLC. We ate at the Lion House Pantry.

This one - Our ward went on a relief society retreat. I was worried no one would come and instead, 27 girls came! It was so fun!
Last (and not least) - Katherine, Katie, Melanie, and Lisa came over to my house and we had the best treats ever! We were celebrating Katie's CRC test. These little chocolate cups have strawberries and raspberries and whip cream! Mmmmmm........ So as it turns out, I don't have a reason to host any pity parties. I should host fun parties. I'm gonna work on that.

lesson learned: the more time I spend with others, instead of wondering about what they do or don't do, the happier I'll be.


Matt said...

You don't deserve pity regardless. Just kidding Joey. Hope your string of bad days ends soon. Follow this link and it may be looking up.

Katherine said...

Hey, why didn't you invite me to the pity party?

Anonymous said...

KW - you weren't invited, #1- because no one was and B- you were probably still on a date-night high. Maybe next time.