What a fun week in Bear Lake! We played so hard the whole time. It was fun to have all 6 of the grand-kids in one house. They did great and had fun! We had a birthday party for Noah. Unfortunately, I forgot candles for the cake so we improvised with matches :) The Raspberry Days Craft Fair was as fun as ever. It's a little more fun when all the kids stuff they sell means something. Abbi and I loaded up! Plus we got Noah a funny owl hat for winter. I love getting shakes at night. After the kids were in bed we played an awesome game (the name of it just slipped my mind). I'd highly recommend it so I'll have to remember. Or Amber can leave a comment with the name of it...... It's so so so so so funny! I can't wait to get one for my house!
Gigs For President
2 weeks ago
The game is called Telestrations and is one of the funnest games ever.
Most hilarious game ever. Tiff couldn't even contain herself, literally. ; )
Hmmm...maybe we should play it at a cousin night. Sounds fun!! :) I love family time. Glad you guys had a fun family trip!
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