Anne and I periodically talk on the phone. I talk on the phone with a lot of people: Wendy, my mom, my dad, Jimmy, Amber, Jeremy, your mom, Jake, people from work, people from church, etc. There are a lot of people I don't talk to on the phone a lot too. But they text me. One person, who we will call Anne, says I should call her pretty much all the time. For the sake of transparency, I would like to list my most recently received calls and the date of the call.
Dad - March 4, 7:29 a.m. on my day off
Patty - March 3
Trina - March 3
Wrong number - March 3
Starla - March 1
Anne - February 28, 5:18 p.m. returning the call she missed a few minutes before
Annalee - February 27
Wendy - February 27
Cris - February 26
Jimmy - February 26 and 25
Alleson - February 24
Dad - February 24
Jake - February 23
Mom - February 22
For clarification, here are my outgoing calls to Anne in the last month:
March 3
March 2 - 2 times
February 28
February 24
February 23
February 22
February 21
February 20
February 17
February 15
February 12
February 10 - 4 times
February 9
February 8
February 7 - 2 times
February 4 - 3 times
February 3 - 2 times
February 2
February 1 - 2 times
Incoming calls from Anne:
February 28
February 15
February 10 - 2 times
February 9 - 2 times
February 5
February 4 - 2 times
I'll keep up the good work. You're next Wendy.
Slow Start
5 days ago
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