Sunday, June 27, 2010


Dear Katherine,

I have many things to tell you.  Because I am fond of lists, please allow me:
  1. thank you a really lot for coming over on Friday
  2. thank you for complementing my home, I really needed your approval
  3. thanks for making the lunch and for pretending like cottage cheese was an acceptable side dish
  4. thanks for keeping things sane, your calmness helps me in many ways
  5. I can't remember the deadline for our projects
  6. I was feeling really good about my assignment until about 3 1/2 minutes ago
  7. I need an extension on the due date, mine's inside out, i gotta get a seam ripper

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dollars and Sense for Singles

My true love (and education) is in consumer and family finance.  Most everything you'll read about finance is geared towards families or an older demographic.  What about me?

I started this blog and a facebook page dedicated to single adults and their finances.  The blog will regularly offer tools and tips including:

  • budgeting
  • debt elimination
  • living within your  means
  • short-term goals
  • long-term goals
  • credit reports
  • saving
  • spending
Also, I will do one-on-one financial counseling and group workshops.  Please check it out and spread the word!

p.s.  if you have questions or comments please email me at

Monday, June 21, 2010

join me!!!

Hey listen everyone!!!  I'm enlisting you to join me in the challenges on this website: 

You won't regret it!  Leave a comment to let me know you're with me.  It'll be more fun and more successful if we team together.  Let's do it!

Monday: Get Strong! - Choose one area of spending (like eating out, entertainment, clothing, etc.) and commit not to spend any money all month long, or for a time frame you are comfortable with.

Tuesday: Don't Spend! - Just for one day....not a penny. 

Wednesday: Simplify! - Fill one bag of stuff at home that you don't really need and then donate it.

Thursday: Take Charge! - Choose one credit card or other recurring service that is an extra, a non-essential, and get rid of it.

Friday: Have a Plan! - Determine your expenses for next week and withdraw the amount in cash.  It's for next week's challenges.

I'm Joey Hansen and I endorse this message.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Buzz and the Baby

One of the great blessings of my life is being raised in a wonderful home in Riverdale front door lined up directly with the front door of my best friend.  As long as I can remember, I have had a best friend.  Even though we aren't three years old anymore, I'd like to think that we're still just as close.  We've both grown up now and we've both had lots of experiences but when we get together it's as good as the old days with the bonus of a lifetime of friendship. 

Enough with the sap, right?  Right.  In other news....Kayli is heavy with child,  a man child actually, and I can't wait to meet him!  Here are some pictures from the baby shower...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sand Ridge Ward Girls' Camp 2010

I didn't know any of these people 6 months ago.  We had an excellent time staying at Bishop Fullmer's cabin in Logan Canyon.  During the short breaks between rain storms we went outside but for the most part we were all cozied up in the cabin together.

As I drove a car load of girls past Mantua, so many of my own girls' camp memories just flooded my mind.  The weekend was really an eye opening experience for me.  I have so much appreciation for my own young women's leaders.  I wish I knew then.......

The Sunday before girls' camp I saw Bishop Shaw and Heidi.  He was the bishop and she was a leader while I was in young women's.  A really lot of my girls' camp memories include the things they did with me and the other young women.  They laughed about me going to girls' camp and said, "it has come full circle for you."  It has.  And I couldn't be happier that it has.

As cheesy as it sounds, and as fake as I thought it was when I was a teenager.....I love the young women.  They are all so unique and great in their own way but they are awesome as a group.

Friday, June 04, 2010


December 2010 is looking pretty good.  I was welcomed to an excellent planning meeting at WORLDWIDE CRUISES: Our guarantee is to treat you like FAMILY.  Uncle Ben and Jill are excellent hosts.  The grilled chicken was delicious and I came home wearing the strawberry pie.  After discussing parliamentary procedure and sharing our manipulation tactics we decided on this cruise.  I shouldn't waste anytime getting my passport application turned in.  Anyway, just wanted to tell you.

p.s. this moves one more thing from my to-do list to my to-done list


In just a few days of painting, amazingly, the main floor is done.  The silly/ironic part is that I have done much less in much more time.  For example, there are two unfinished purses on my kitchen table.  The purses need about 90 seconds of sewing on each one but they continue to wait for my attention.

Back to the paint....I love the colors!  As mentioned in my previous post, my color inspiration is Ikea dish towels.  The bright green is called Asaparagus and the accent color is Moss Landing.  I understand that my style is partially 70's and partially out of the ordinary...I don't care.  I will not apologize for my style. 

Now for the pictures...beginning at the front door (please note the stair well still has blue tape as I cannot reach 20+ feet even on a ladder with an extended roller):

Also note that I did not clear any clutter before I took pictures.  I live at my house, a fact that I'm sure you have deduced on your own.  In summary, what's done is done.  I love it.  I'll let you all know when I get the other projects done (ex: pillows, repainted magnet board, repainted bookshelf, etc).

p.s. this moves pretty big to-do's to the to-done's