I know there is no use in beating a dead horse but....I had dinner tonight with my niece. It went down like this (totally out of the blue):
Marlie - "You'll probably sleep alone in your bed for the rest of your life."
(her mom told me Marlie had been telling her, recently, that she doesn't want any aunties to get married)
Me - "Why wouldn't I want to?"
Marlie - "No one wants to. But I can live with you at Grandma's house."
Me - "Don't you like uncles?"
Marlie - "Only the ones I've got. I'll be too shy for new uncles."
Great. She found the root of all this evil "dating game" crap. I'm too shy to find a "new uncle." When it comes down to it, all I can do is throw out quick-witted insults. In my brain, I have good, sincere feelings but they can't beat the sarcastic crap that pours out of my mouth.
I'd ask for advice but I know myself too well. Your ideas are great but there's just something too scary about really trying them. Thanks for your time though.
1 week ago
Oh wow. Get this woman a pyschologyist quick! The insult loving uncles do exist Joey. You just need to find them.
I think Marlie's trying to use reverse psychology.
Don't encourage Marlie to become a counselor. She will make her clients cry.
I think you have a flirt of a niece on your hand. How old is this "shy" little girl around boys? You should avoid introducing her to the dating game, I mean I would have to be one of the best bench warmers in the entire game and look how cool I am. I'll tell you what though once we get into the game joey, we will definately be making touchdowns or homeruns or however else you score in the dating game. :)
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