Birthdays are the greatest day of the year. Everyone deserves a celebration, whatever kind they want. Memorable birthdays for me are:
#8 - My teacher made the day good at school. I don't remember how but I liked it. Right after school, my mom helped me get ready for my baptism. Lots of family came, but I can't remember everyone. My 2 grandmas gave the talks. I don't remember the talks but I do remember they made me feel pretty special. I got my first set of scriptures too. It was a good birthday.
#12 - My parents took me, my sisters, and my brother to the Ogden Temple to do baptisms for the dead. This is when I really started to love the temple. I think we did family names. The temple workers learned it was my 12th birthday. They were so good to me.
#16 - I don't remember too much but I do remember that my family and friends made it a special day for me. It seemed like I got away with a lot.
#18 - Not super special but memorable. My friends took me to breakfast before school, I had to race to class to take a biology test, I started a brand new job and worked 8 hours, had to run straight to City Council Meeting to receive some award, and when I got home a few family members were waiting for me. I missed dinner. The day seemed long and my thoughts were drawn to my cousin who lost her mom on her 18th birthday.
#19 - I lived in New Jersey. It was a rough time. I had a few friends from institute though. My family and a friend mailed me a couple packages. My one good friend's mom was in town and they took me out to dinner. It was odd we had a table in an empty area. But then 15 people I hardly knew, and who hardly knew me showed up. It was a suprise party! It was so great! Really, I learned some great lessons in New Jersey and love and miss my institute family.
I'm not sure how old I was on a couple other birthdays, but my dad and I have gone to the temple together. They are good memories.
I don't especially remember too much about birthdays or gifts. What I love about birthdays is the chance I have to be thankful for all my blessings. Birthdays are like Thanksgiving, New Years, and Christmas rolled into one day. I'm glad I have the chance to reflect on my last year and look forward to the next. Mostly, I'm thankful for my family and friends who fill each of my years.
How To Winter
5 days ago